Thursday, February 20, 2014

Recycled Robots!

Do you know what a robot is?

Toys:  Tinker Toys, Linkin Blocks, and Khun Zuus.  (A special thanks to Dade and his mother Maren who donated a large box of Zhu Zhu Pets, Zuu Zuu Babies, Accessories, and Preschool and Pizza Parlor to our preschool!)

Snacks:  Ritz Crackers, Animal and Circle Strip Cookies.

After snack time, Kayson in a robotic voice said, "Hello.  How may I help you?"  Do you think his mother would let me buy this helpful robot?!

Circle Time Discussion:  Recycle and Robotic Definitions
What is a robot?  Some of the students didn't know what they were.
Recyle means to change something (waste) into reusable material.
Robots: A real or imaginary machine controlled by a computer made to look like a human or animal.
Kayson mentioned..."(A robot) is a machine that does things!  If you push a red button, he goes wild and is naughty.  If you push a yellow button, he slows down and the green button makes it go!"

We played I Spy "R" Words
roadster, race car, rocket, robot, radio, 

We have had some chasing and romping indoors and so we reviewed Safe Touch (meaning that we need to ask, "May I hold your hand?") at preschool.

*Find a Face by Francois and Jean Robert 
Can You See What I See? Dream Machine: A Picture Adventure to Search and Solve by Walter Wick.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Race Cars and Transportation

Race Cars and Transportation 

Daily Question:  Rr  Do you like to play with race cars?

Toys: Train table, cars, town rug, big truck and crane, Linkin blocks, and Race Set.

Snacks: Mandarin oranges, animal crackers, and pudding.

Show N' Teach:
Brody: Remote control car
Kayson: Rabbit
William and Seth: Raphael (Ninja Turtle)

Today we are talking about Race Cars and Transportation. Transportation is something that is used to carry people from place to place like a race car, train, plane, boat, trolley, subway, etc.

We read about the Little Engine That Could. This great story talks about being willing to try and saying "I Think I Can!" when trying out something new.

We learned about R the rhinoceros who races rapidly on roller skates down a rainy road, "R-r-r." He is trying to reach the end of the rainbow on his red roller skates, "R-r-r." As you student races with his feet moving them back and forth (like roller-skating) have them practice the letter "r" sound as in rhino, race, and roller skates.

Arts and crafts: Our follow-up activity on the letter R was finger painting with metal race cars across a page while we practiced saying the letter "r" sound.

Transportation Books:

A Book of Things That Go Zoom by Jennifer Frantz. Ill. by Don Tate.
The Story of Flight by Lizzy Pearl.
The Little Engine That Could Retold by Watty Piper, Ill. by Geore and Doris Hauman
My Big Train Book (Priddy Books; Big Ideas for Little People)

Next Lesson: Recycled Robots and R sounds.